Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Here He Is!

Ummm...the "Fresh" look?

The First time I got to see him

At the NICU..he's by far the biggest guy in the room!
Officially the third time I saw him, but the first time that lasted over 40 seconds.
He's still making slow progress, and it sounds like it'll be a few days still before we get to hold him, but everyone is confident that WHEN, not if, he gets better he'll be strong and healthy. Maeli can't see him, but I think that's probably good, she doesn't really understand that's he born yet, and I think she would be scared. I feel better having seem him and I did get to touch him a little. We'll be back in the morning to see how the night went, but he is really cute and even opened his eyes a little bit for me.


Anonymous said...

A beautiful little guy and he WILL be fine and very soon! Congratulations to you and Jeremy. You did a wonderful job. AGAIN!! love to all. gram

Kate Clayton said...

Tucker is beautiful. You and Jeremy are doing an amazing job keeping it together. I am so glad that you get to be close to your baby boy. Remember that I am only a phone call away.

sheila said...

He is really really cute. I cannot wait to snuggle him. Wow! A real live boy!
Congratulations again to all of you, he is gorgeous. I'll be praying that you get to hold him soon!

Tarah said...

Even with all the tubes and stuff you can tell he's way cute! I'm so glad that you made it up to Spokane. Take it easy now and get better soon.

Wendy said...

Looks like another keeper! I'm glad you get to be there with him and Jeremy.

Kirsten said...

I think he kind of looks like Jeremy. I'm so, so glad that you got to go be with him. Thanks for posting the pictures! Enjoy your beautiful little baby. Yay!!!

Bailey said...

What a cute little guy, and you look great by the way. Congratulations! We're keeping you in our thoughts and prayers. I'm glad that you're able to be there with him and Jeremy.

Harper Family said...
