Tuesday, June 5, 2007


Jeremy and I have been hanging out in the room with Maeli while Beth is in recovery. Maeli had her first bath and Dad dressed her. I got a quick turn holding her, but people keep coming to do stuff to her. Her eyes have been opened all the time and she looks around. She also keeps making sucking noises. Recovery just called and Jeremy got to take her to see Mom and get something to eat. She is definitely a keeper. Her color is beautiful and she has more hair than I first thought, but it is light. Dr. Hall said Beth is doing great. I'll just hang out until they get back here. I'm so proud that I can't stand it. My camera battery is almost used up already and I'll recharge it tonight so that I can take more pictures tomorrow. I'm a happy grandma.


Anonymous said...

Make sure that you don't kiss all of her newness off. We want some!
Tell the proud parents congratulations!

Anonymous said...

Can't wait to see all the pictures. Give her some kisses from me.

Anonymous said...

Pictures--when? Gramma

Anonymous said...

when aren't you a happy grandma when there's a new baby?

Anonymous said...

Beth, I am so happy for you. Congratulations!!!