Sunday, April 4, 2010

On Your Mark...

So Grandma was gracious enough to provide us with our "medical fiasco" for this baby. On our outing to the park today she biffed it in true Grandma fashion and had to get 5 stitches. She handled it like a big girl so I took her to the store for a treat (diet Pepsi). The cut is on her check,I think its from her glasses which got scratched in the fall, and a really nice shiner...other than that she's unscathed from the event. Its nice to have our surprise out of the way so that things can go as planned tomorrow.

We have to be at the hospital around 5:30am, and I still need to shower with the "special soap," pack, take my sleeping pill at least 8 hours before I'm supposed to wake up, and gather all our cameras, laptops, and their respective cords so that we can let everyone see our sweet and breathing baby. I've felt a lot more calm since Grandma arrived yesterday, probably because at this point, however things go we can deal with it and now the other kids are fine. And its always comforting to have your mom near by. The kids are wearing her out and loving every minute of it, and I think we're all more excited than nervous at this point.

Jeremy is going to give me a blessing when I get out of the shower...I've been reflecting on those that he gave me before Maeli and before Tucker. With Maeli, he gave me a blessing on my Due date that "in the days to come I was have strength to endure" which at the time I thought meant we'd have a rough first few days with the baby and I'd be pretty tired...In fact, it was 10 really long days later before we even got her. With Tucker, he blessed me the night before we went in for the c-section that "in the weeks to come I would have faith and courage" which I thought meant that it would be rough adjusting to 2 kids at fact it was 2 of the longest weeks ever before we even got to bring him home. I'm curious to see what will be said tonight.

We'll post news as soon as we can, but I promised Jeremy that he could take some time to enjoy the snuggles that he didn't get last time...and my surgery will take a little longer because we're getting the tubal too. Assume that no news is good news and that the three of us are enjoying each other. The kids will be visiting after they get out of daycare (around 2) and we're open to other visitors but Tuesday might be better so that I've been up and around a little. Feel free to give us a call though and see how we're doing if you just can't stand it. :0)


Sibyl Brame said...

I'm sure sorry that Terry crashed but I bet the kids regard her as even more a super grandma since she has battle scars now.
I'll be eagerly awaiting the great news tomorrow w/pictures.
Prayers in progress!

Kate Clayton said...

Poor Grandma. So sorry!

Anonymous said...

I absolutely love that Jeremy is giving you blessings before each birth of your children, they are absolutely precious. Hope your mom is doing ok and her wound is healing fast. Thinking about you guys like crazy, hoping and praying that your third baby is your easiest delivery and he comes out with awesome apgar scores. Beth deserves an easier go of it. Love you all so much~

Anonymous said...

Oops, that last comment was from Glenna :)