Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Long Story Short

We are home! Tucker was discharged this morning, and we just got back into Pullman. Both kids are sleeping, and the house is a total mess...Grandma and I have our work cut out for us, but its SO nice to have everyone in one spot. Maeli got to see Tucker for the first time right before we left the hospital, she likes his ears. Thanks so much Kate & Crystal for saving us with the car seat situation. We're going to take some time to settle down and then we'll start visits. We are leaving for Oregon on Friday night so that we can bless Tucker on Sunday. Prepare the air beds Grandma Sibyl, we'll be there sometime Friday night. Its going to be a little crazy getting ready to go, but I think we all need to get away to vacation...even though we've been away. Plus this is the only chance Jeremy has to head to Oregon until July. No one is welcome to visit until I clean my house...any drop bys will be given chores which must be completed before I'll show you my cute baby.


Kirsten said...

Yay!!!!! I'm so, so glad that everything turned out well and that he's finally home! If you need anything (that I can do from a distance because we're sick), just let me know!

Wendy said...

Well, it took longer than expected to get Maeli, and she's awfully sweet - Tucker looks worth the wait, too. I'll be thinking of you all this weekend. (Not that I haven't been, but this will be less stressful thinking, I hope!) Be sure to get pictures for those of us who can't come. Love you guys.

Kate Clayton said...

Hooray! I am so glad Tucker was released. If there is anything I can do...let me know! I bet you guys are looking forward to sleeping in your own beds tonight.

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad all is well, he is so cute...carol

sheila said...

Maybe it's just the picture (and the last one) but the more he fiils out, the more he looks like a Brame. I can't wait to see him up close.... and FYI a little present arrived in the mail today (at our house) for you. I have to hold the baby before you can have it, though:)
He is gorgeous and I can't wait to see all of you!

Anonymous said...

He's the best looking nephew I've ever seen, and if he does some major growing in the next eight weeks, I'll be happy to inherit the camo. Love you guys lots and lots, see you Saturday

Anonymous said...

I'm sooo happy for you!! He's such a handsome little guy!

Crystal said...

Can I come clean your house? Seriously. With no requirement of holding Tucker. (Not that I don't want to) But really. You guys all need a break, and I would love to help you out any way needed. And believe me I wouldn't care how messy. I would love to help out.

Janel said...

I am so glad all of you are home together. That is great news. Have a wonderful weekend. Let us know if there is anything you need. Love you.

KT said...

Yay! Congrats. Good luck resting and recovering. Have fun in Oregon!

Anonymous said...

I am so happy Tucker has made it home safe and nice (as Grayson would say).