Stealing the binky--which we knew was pretty much a given, at least she's usually nice enough to leave one in its place, but she's all about the "green" binks which are apparently much better than pink.
All of the sudden she is such a big girl. So many words! And she's even starting to make small sentences. Her favorite movies are Nemo & Toys (Toy Story) which Grandma had to watch way too many times. She also loves to "wash" things and is always asking for wipes so that she can clean up. I think she might be a little OCD, but at least she helps clean. When she looks for stuff she always says, "...where are you?" it doesn't matter if she looking for milk or Dad, or whatever. She loves her babies, and has recently learned how to burp them. She asks for "help" when she wants someone to come play with her, and sometimes when she really does need help. She's constantly cracking us up.
I'm having some slight depression also about leaving her and all of you. She is such a sweet girl and I had so much fun spending time with her.
Maeli is so dang cute. I love how she always says 'ummm' before she answers a question. What a cutie! We love her to pieces!
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