Monday, March 12, 2007

The Name Game

So far, choosing a name has definitely been the hardest part of parenting (although, we really haven’t had to do too much). Before we ever got pregnant, we were talking about baby names and Jeremy said that he liked the Chinese name pronounced “may-lee” which means “beautiful”. I thought it was pretty cute, so we kind of left it the back of our minds. When we found at that we were having a baby, we decided to go with it, but spelling was the hard part. The Chinese way is totally unpronounceable in English (in my opinion) so we chose the “Mae” because it’s a common middle name on Jeremy’s side of the family (his mom and his sister) and the “li” because it looks cute. The Opal is after my Great-Grandma Opal (Aunt Opie can have some credit too, but only what doesn’t make Mavis upset) who is our oldest living relative, and therefore deserves some recognition.

Unless little chicky comes out looking like someone else, that’s the name we’re going with. We’re already calling her Maeli, and it seems to fit her. She’s a wiggly thing and seems to really like to dance to country music. She also likes riding in her Daddy’s old truck, and doing summersaults at bed time. She does not like how squished she is getting in my belly and has been trying to escape out my belly button for the past few weeks. I think she plans on just kicking her way out, which is sounding more and more like a better alternative from the stories I’ve been hearing about labor and delivery.


Anonymous said...

congrats on the baby guys. that is so exciting. you are so lucky that you are getting a girl.

Anonymous said...

I like the spelling that you have chosen.... good luck on ever finding her name on anything!