Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Well we’ve almost recovered from Spring Break. Vacation was wonderful. On the way to Oregon we stopped at Pampa Pond so Jeremy could fish for a little while. He caught two trout, and we took them with us to my parents house where we grilled them--he ate them. It was nice to spend some time outside, and I was truly convinced that Spring was here until we woke up this morning to discover that it was snowing outside. I’ve had just about enough of this winter. I used the phrase “March comes in like a Lion and out like a Lamb” today, and no one had ever heard of it before. Is that an Oregon thing? There isn’t any lambing going on here in the Palouse, that’s for sure.

The Baby shower was so fun and Sheila did a great job of putting things together; she’s for sure one of my favorite sister-in-laws…in the top 6 anyway. I was amazed at how many people came, and it was so wonderful to get to see so many of my buddies. I wish I could have visited more with everyone individually, but we would have been there for days. Maeli made quite a haul, and I seriously don’t think we could have put one more thing in the car. She is pretty much set. I know that babies are one of those things that women go crazy over, but I truly feel blessed to have such a strong support base. I was thinking about it during the shower (okay, actually it was afterwards while I was helping to “clean out” the chocolate fountain) how wonderful it is to have literally dozens of women that I could call at anytime for any reason and not feel at all strange. I don’t know how anyone would make it through life without friends and family. Anyway, I feel a lot more prepared for our little chicky to arrive. We could get her home from the hospital, and survive for at least a few days with what we have in the house, now if I could only find where to put it all. But it’s kind of a load off to know we could handle at least that part of parenthood. On the flip side, our childbirth class has me a little less anxious for the blessed event. We just watched the movies of the births, which didn’t really bother me too much. But now I’m realizing that it’s really time to decide about drugs and all that…I guess I’m realizing that it’s getting close. Give me a few weeks and it won’t be close enough, but right now I’ve just kind of settled into my comfort zone with being pregnant. I pretty much have it figured out, and I’d be fine to hang out like this for a while, except the rotten kid keeps growing and we’re quickly running out of places for her to go. So I know she’ll have to come out…then it’s a whole new ball game.

And speaking of being comfortable with being pregnant, my sweetie pie bought me a rocking chair for my birthday, so now I’m officially ready to be a mom. Well, I think I’m officially ready to have people visit me and rock my baby to sleep, but the chair is really comfy. Un-officially, I look at pictures like this and can’t believe how huge I am with 8 ½ weeks to go.


Anonymous said...

You're not huge! You are just being so super cute being pregnant. You can call me anytime you want day or night and I will help out as best I can!

Anonymous said...

I agree with you Babe. You have a wonderful husband and he has a wonderful wife. You're totally deserving of each other and I am so happy for both of you!
We had a loverly few days of spring too and then boom, the barometer plummetted and it's now cold and rainy. All of my 'walkers' have come down with the nasties and I pray I don't catch anything as my primary infection is taking months to heal up anyhow. Oh well, Que Sera Sera.
Much love to the 3 of you and God bless all. Gramma