Our "Baby" isn't a baby at all anymore
weight: 24.5 lbs (30%)
height: 32 in (42%)
head: 19.9in (98%)
All About Riker!
Riker is an early bird. He's a light sleeper, so any noise after 5am and he's ready to play. Luckily, Tucker is also an early bird, and they're pretty content to watch cartoons together for a little bit while Mom wakes up.
He still naps, and prefers a mid-morning nap unless there is something really exciting going on, then he won't miss out for anything. He has no problem sleeping in the car, but isn't great at transitioning from a car into the house. If he can get 2 hours in around 10:30 he's good to go for the rest of the day. Bedtime at 7.
He's very silly and loves to play! He'd prefer it if Maeli and Tucker would let him participate in their game without making him the "bad guy" or the "monster" or the "evil witch." But when they're not including him, he's pretty good at entertaining himself. He does LOVE an audience though and is happy to hide and flirt all afternoon if you let him.
His favorite thing is the bath. He can't wait to get in! If anyone is in the bath or shower, he'll join you if you leave the door open.
He doesn't usually sleep through the night yet, so Riker ends up snuggling with Dad in our Bed (Dad loves this and will be really sad when no one gets in our bed anymore). Mom does not love this.
Riker recently saw the ocean for the first time ever. He liked digging in the sand, but didn't like touching the sand. He hated the water and once he got his feet wet he was ready to be done with the whole situation.
He is such a great helper! One thing I have noticed and just love about Riker is that he doesn't ask to help, or wait until you ask him to do a specific job. If I'm unloading the dishwasher, he starts handing me plates. If we're picking up blocks, he starts scooping them into the block box. He pays a lot of attention to how other people are doing things, but gets super mad if he can't do it the same way. He's always happy when his helping goes well, and you can tell by the silverware, he's a very organized little guy.
We love our sweet Riker and I am thankful every day that he is part of our family. I thought Heavenly Father was crazy for sending these boys so close together, but if he hadn't taken matters into his own hands I don't know that I'll every reach the point with Tucker where another one seems like a good idea. Riker is always at 100%. If he's playing its 100%, if he's mad its 100%, and if he's hugging its 100%, maybe 110%. The boy gives a great hug.
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