Saturday, December 15, 2007

Winter Activities

I finally got all of our Christmas treats baked and ready to go delivered. This years was a challenge, first, I threw a surprise graduation party for Jeremy. In order to get him to the location (our friends' house) I told him we would be "delivering goodies" so I ad to bake at least some to keep u appearances. However, when our family came for the real graduation, a lot of the baked good got eaten and I kind of had to start all over. Not that I mind, I would trade all the goodies for more family...but it is a lot of work. But thanks to Jeremy, half the treats are even already delivered. Since we leave in one week I better get the move on.

Winter has been in Pullman since we got back at seems we were so busy that we missed the splendor of our "winter wonderland" and now, knowing that we'll be looking at this same ice for the next 4 months just makes me sad. Part of me hopes we get fresh new snow over Christmas break so we can enjoy it, the other part of me just yearns for Spring. If I wake up one of these days and things are pretty again, I'll take outside pictures, in the mean time, we just bundle up to head out there.

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