Monday, August 17, 2009

A Vacation

Jeremy and I ended up taking separate vacations this summer. He planned a week-long 70-mile hike with his Dad and I thought a week alone in Pullman (with the kids) wasn't exactly what I'd call a vacation. So Jeremy headed out for the hike, and the kids and I opted to spend our time in Oregon. All of my siblings were in St. Helens while we were there, which normally only occurs at Christmas, and I desperately needed to have some "me" time...and with all those babysitters it really ended up feeling like vacation. Maeli got to play with some cousins, I got a 3 hour nap, and Tucker and Aunts and Grandmas at his beck-and-call. I think we all got what we needed.
Maeli really loved playing with Trever (above) and Kennedy, the cousins that are too old to be little, but little enough that they still play.

Gramma Connie brought Maeli some "My Little Ponies" which turned out to be pretty popular among all the cousins.
And Opie, my mom's sister, can't stand to miss out on babies.

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