Monday, August 17, 2009


Maeli is so funny about her babies. On a daily basis, they ALL have to take a nap, on their own pillow, with their own "cubbers" aka a blanket. Sometime multiple times a day, although not always in the living room, sometimes in the hall, one in every doorway, and often all somewhere in her room. When they're sleeping though, we all have to be quite and I've been in trouble more than once for waking a baby, or worse yet, moving the baby-blanket-pillow combo in order to function in the house. She is a good mama, but she is quite strict about nap'd think that would mean she sees the value of a good nap and would therefore would exercise that in her own life.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Maeli cracks me up. Its a good thing she's progressed to actual dolls. Remember the jar of peanut butter she used to tote around? You could have food all around the house napping under cubbers instead of babies.