Thursday, August 12, 2010

The Garage

After a lot of stressing about it, the concrete was a total success.
Only with all of our amazing helpers!
Scott came over for the Fourth of July and he and Jeremy got the framing done for the door. They also got the back door, and the window in.
We had a little mishap on the 4th, but the damage was very minimal. The Albion parade was about to start, and the fireman smelled the smoke, so they walked on over to inspect our extinguishing abilities.

What's a garage without a car to park in it? Thanks Kaitlyn, we love it!
Our Brother-in-law Jason is the President of All About Doors so he came over from the West Side to install our new door for us. Thanks Jason!
Jeremy's Dad came over and the siding got started, we're hoping to be all done by the end of Labor Day Weekend.

1 comment:

Tarah said... obviously the mishap was a fire, but...what happened? Other than that, the garage is looking awesome...I still think you all need to take a "vacation" to Utah and help us build one. Wouldn't that be a great vacation? Ya, I thought so too.