Sunday, April 20, 2008

When Swinging is Just Too Much


sheila said...

Wear the poor kid out! jeez Mom and Dad, go easy on the kid. Kennedy actually used to do the same thing. She would want to be in the swing holding a mini basketball and she would just fall asleep. It was really cute.

Bailey said...

I love it! She is too funny!I think it is so cute when they are so tired and worn out that they will fall asleep anywhere.

Anonymous said...

She is so stinking cute that I just have to go to your blog and look at pictures of her several times a day.

The Bott Family said...

She loves that swing. You need to hook one up or get a portable one for those moments that Baby Einsteins don't work out for you.

Jeniel said...

She is such a cutie. I love it when they fall asleep in high chairs and stuff like that. I am always taking pictures. Hey! We are going to have a barbaque on Saturday the 3rd and would love to have you there. Let me know if you can come. It will be around
5:00. Hope you can come!!!!

melbo said...

Thats so cute! E was, and is, always too hyper to fall asleep anywhere but his crib (and even then...). Maybe I should sent him to spend a day with you! She's pooped!